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Resources for Affirmations and Intentions

You Can Heal Your Life

Louise Hay wrote this book as a record of how she would work with people who came to her for help to feel better. She was a Master of New Thought and one of the most influential people of her time teaching about the mind body connection and the importance of loving yourself. It includes a wealth of exercises and activities that let you practice emotional regulation.  Most importantly, it can teach you about what affirmations are, why they are important and how to practice them effectively.

The Power of Intention

This book is a classic in the field of intentions. Clients have reported that Dyer's work helped them to get an understanding of intentions and how they impact their personal reality. I have always liked to recommend Dr. Dyer's books because his writing is clear. He explains intentions in a way that is easy to understand and which inspires you to become more aware of your thoughts.

The Game of Life and How to Play It: The Complete Original Edition

I love this book because it is a reminder that the power of positive thought or 'right thinking'  (as the author calls it) was known and practiced even at the turn of the 20th century when Florence wrote this classic book. The author tells delightful stories of people she worked with who implemented the practices and experienced positive results. These stories can encourage and inspire you to practice emotional regulation through right thought.

Introductory Course to Images and Intentions

Working with both images and intentions can increase effectiveness and help you to stay focused on your true desires. There are many advantages in working with intentions and images together that you can discover by doing daily intention work. Tips on working with art materials and different ways to incorporate images into your daily intention work can give you lots of ideas to start or embellish a daily practice with intentions.

Be the Change: Acting with Intention

This story is a really good way to learn about the process of applying intentions and affirmations in your life to experiment with transforming yourself and the world around you. Through the author's tale of her journey in acting school you can learn ways to align with your true Self and get ideas for experiments you can do. It is all about the realization that shifting the worldview to a multi-dimensional paradigm is done by being the change that you want to see.

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing

I am encouraging you to check out the examples of applications that this book has. Reading stories of other people’s experiences can help you learn more about applying intentions in your life. It can also give you tips to make your practices stronger. Set in a context of transpersonal ideas regarding the nature of relationship with the Universe. A great resource for emotion experiment ideas working with intentions.

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